Keeping it classic with a Lemonade Stand

When I have to travel for work, I get serious mom guilt. I don’t like missing these formative years and I don’t like disrupting their schedule. Sometimes, travel for my job is unavoidable, so when I do, I really make sure to have quality time with them prior to leaving. I even decline invitations to events to spend more one on one time with them. I don’t know if it’s right or wrong, but it’s what I do.

Now that school’s out and the sun has been shining, I had the idea of a lemonade stand. Coincidentally, we also just pruned the Meyer lemon tree, hence my limoncello making post (HERE). I went back to the archives and found a photo of a mock produce stand a good friend and former colleague made for a content series post for Watsonville Coast Produce and hit the ground running!

I bought 6 crates from Michael’s, then staggered them, stacked them, and screwed them together. I don’t love the awning design, but for this first rendition, I used PVC pipe and clasps fastened to the outside of the crates.

Then we made the lemonade and we also wanted to elevate our lemonade game, so I puréed strawberries with the juice from one lemon and strained the seeds out to have a strawberry lemonade option (recipe below).

We went for $0.50 per lemonade…we had all the ingredients and didn’t use huge glasses, but the result was LOTS of tips😆 The kids had a blast. They started off a little insecure and nervous, but as they got into a groove, they really shined! They had great customer service, learned about adding $0.50 together and making change, and got creative on ways to improve it next time.

It was such a great experience and fun and I was able to do all the laundry, put up some 4th of July decorations, and dance and play with my kids! I can’t wait for the next one.

lemonade stand, strawberry lemonade, elevated lemonade, summer
Strawberry Lemonade

Strawberry Lemonade

This fantastic addition elevates your plain Jane lemonade and you won't be sorry!
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  1. Make ahead your lemonade to your liking...or buy store bought...I don't judge
  2. Wash your strawberries and cut the stem off
  3. Throw berries into a blender and puree with the juice of one lemon
  4. Get a mesh strainer and spatula and work the mixture through (this gets out the seeds)
  5. Keep the strawberry puree in a separate container, to add as much or as little as you want
  6. Keep in jar in the refrigerator for up to 1 week
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