American Huney

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Sunriver Oregon - Recap

I can’t believe I’ve never been to Oregon. Granted, it’s not exaclty close, but I’m still surprised. My cousin was getting married, so it was a great excuse to get up to the Beaver State (no I didn’t make that up…ha!). We decided to drive, to enjoy the scenery and save some money on the airfare. It’s 9 hours to Sunriver Oregon, where we stayed and the wedding was hosted. I definitely had to prep carefully.

First on the list was entertainment for the kids. Lucy is 9 and Charlie is 5 (almost 6), so I needed a diverse offering. Lucy brought a brain quest workbook for 4th grade, her iPad that she only gets to use on long trips, so it maintains it’s excitement, a novel she’s reading and some little kid books she likes to breeze through, headphones, and a charger. Charlie got a new Fire Tablet. I’d been considering it for our Italy trip, but opted for the old iPad (I’m pretty sure it’s a first generation tablet…no joke). He was ready for an upgrade. When I finally. break down and purchase new tech (I never do so hastily) I buy the top of hte line. I know how fast tech moves and, in my experience, this is the way to get the most legs out of the item. I ended up with the Amazon Fire HD 10 Pro. I also bought extra storage micro SD card. The tablet doesn’t have a sim card, so it doesn’t work without internet, which wouldn’t work for a road trip, so I had to download the games and shows while at home. The extra storage gives more opportunity to download. I also got Charlie a workbook, Dr Seuss Summer workbook for between Kinder and 1st grade.

Other than their own stash of goodies, I got 3 new movies for the car: Kung Foo Panda 4, the new Puss and Boots, . We only watched one movie on the way up, but on the way back, we watched 3. They were more tired and ready to get home on the way back.

Now, onto Sunriver, Oregon…the town that stole my heart. This is technically a Bend address, but it’s this little sub area that seemed to me to be a vacation town. Houses and subdivisons that all appeared to be built around the same time. The heart of Sunriver seemed to be family activities: golf, the Deschutes River with SUP yoga and rafting, swimming, horse back riding…the list goes on and on. We were there a short time, so we focused on the pools, parks, and family time.

Overall, this is a beautiful part of the country and I’m happy we got to experience it, especially as a whole family.