Update: I got a landline and only Telemarketers called


Update: I got a landline. The only people that called it were telemarketers. I subsequently got rid of my landline. LOL!

Yup! You heard me right. I’m getting a landline home phone and no, it’s not due to a lack of cell phone service at our house. I’m getting a landline in an effort to be more present with my kids. I’ll be putting my cell phone down in the evenings until Lucy goes down at 8:30. As it is, I make a conscious effort to be present and focus on them, but there are instances where I check my phone or post a pic on Instagram and the reality is, all of those things can wait until after they go to bed.

This may seem like it’s coming out of left field, but I’m newly a parent of two. Being that I’m not pregnant anymore (thank GOODNESS!) and I’m starting to feel more like myself again (if myself was part dairy cow…mooooo), I’m starting to assess our daily routines. We, as parents, are creating our kids memories and what they will grow up to remember as their version of normal. I want to make sure that I’m mindful of that responsibility. I want them to see me being active, engaged, reading, playing, laughing, etc. I don’t want them to see us plugged into our phones and not plugging into our family.


This can be really hard, especially when your jobs become more and more demanding with expectations that we are available 24/7. My plan is to give my close family, friends, and boss my landline number, so if there is an emergency or something time sensitive, I can be reached. Otherwise, I’ll be responding to texts, emails and DM’s after 8:30pm. The boundaries are clear and, as Rachel Hollis, author of Girl, Wash Your Face says, “It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being better today that I was yesterday.”


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